Friday 25 August 2017

Accommodation Types

One may live to his relatives, but this totally depend on one's family and closeness to relative. But my focus is on one's own accommodation. So First of all I will divide accommodation for university students in three parts.
  • Accommodation inside the university
  • Accommodation outside of university in hostels
  • Accommodation by renting a flat or house

Accommodation inside the university

I believe this is the best option to choose. students can entertain them self with many facilities provided by NUST as


  • Sports activities, different grounds and courts are easily accessible.
  • Easy to travel to departments
  • Piece of mind and security
  • All the facilities are available
  • Affordable price
  • Good Mess


  • Many rules to follow compared to other options
  • late night coming problems etc

Accommodation outside of university in hostels

If this is your first time in Islamabad and you have to friends with you and you could not secure accommodation in NUST then this is going to be your second option.
I can manage mostly hostels in prices as
  • 15000/Rs for biseater room
  • 12000/Rs for triseater room
  • 10000/Rs for 4 seater room
Such accommodation includes most of the facilities like in NUST like laundry, internet, mess etc
Few hostels are more cheaper but their offered facilities also differ.
I suggest to choose hostel nearest to NUST, like in H-13, G-12 or G-13. You can choose other location farther than NUST if you have transport facility like Bike/Car.
There are many hostels available outside NUST-12 campus for boys and girls. Every hostel has it's own value. I will share here few pros and cons of different hostels.


  • Security
  • hostels near NUST will have most of it's students from NUST
  • Walking distance from NUST specially if hostel is in H-13
  • No worries about electricity, mess etc


  • Have to follow some rules
  • Food is not very good
  • Expensive 

Accommodation by renting a flat or house

If you are a person with can do attitude and know or willing to learn cooking, cleaning your room and cloths and any other thing which one may have to do then you can choose to rent a flat or house. If you can manage few other students then it is cheapest option available.
Rent of a flat totally depend on it's building and it's location.
A flat with 2 bed rooms with attach wash rooms and 1 kitchen is available around 12,000/Rs,  with range of 10-15 km from NUST.
Same flat near NUST like in G-13 or G-10 is around 15,000/Rs. This price will vary depending upon the condition and location of flat in area.
With a strong group member those will stay together one may manage in 7000 to 11000/Rs in one month depending on life style and number of group of persons.


  • No rules, You are the rule maker
  • Cheapest
  • Best option for job holders as no rule to follow
  • Eat food when-ever and which-ever you like
  • You can manage more healthy food


  • In case your group members leave you then it will cause burden on all other students
  • Flat are good only if you are willing to rent it longer like one or two years
  • You have to work like cooking, cleaning
  • You have to manage your own facilities like internet, Iron, refrigerator, electricity, gas etc.
  • Less security

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Guide to Find a Hostel